Hi. Here is the story of Jonny (not real name) who has suffered with one of the most disturbing addictions-musturbation. He willingly wrote his story, in the hope that it could help someone out there. There is no addiction that cannot be overcome!

Hi, am a 20 year old. My first sexual encounter was with my cousin. My brother and I had gone to bring goats back home, when he and my cousin coarsed me into an act that I much later knew to be sex. I was 5 years old. As early as my age of 10, I knew how to manipulate my genitals so as to receive satisfaction whenever I met any girl who looked especially nice to me. I do not know how I discovered this act, but the peak of it used to end in release of a few drops of urine. I started undressing girls in my mind. I did not know what I was doing was, but I was sure I did not like it.

Later on, I gave my life to Christ, but I continued with this act, though infrequently. During the process, I would create sex scenes in my mind with someone I had seen that day, and after feeling I had used them, the urge would stop, followed by guilt.

I did not know that I what I was doing was called masturbation, till my S.4 vacation. This was a season when I almost had my would-be second sexual encounter, only to remember there was pregnancy and STDs, a few seconds from the act.

I recommitted my life to the lord, and returned to serious ministry, but masturbation still pursued me. It was so private, and I felt people were looking at me whenever such a thing was mentioned. I felt i hated myself.

I am now at a public university, and actively involved in church ministry. I have no one who knows the real me, for most times, I keep to myself and I feel more comfortable not sharing my secret life with anyone. However, I find no problem making –hi-friends, infact, I have so many. I trust every body looks at me as a good-boy, disciplined, God fearing, and some have confessed I am their mentor, and that they wish they could be like me.

However, of recent, I still gave in to a heavy masturbation after a strong battle within my mind. Plus, whenever I am in anxiety, worry or panic e.g. when time catches up with me in a paper, I uncontrollably squeeze my genitals till I masturbate. I feel so dirty, and I know the bible condemns it. Worse, I make my pants grossly wet, that I have to go to the toilet to try clean myself up.

I made a promise to God to stop it, but I have broken the promise on many occasions. I know I am unfair to myself, to those I minister with, to my future-mate and to God. Masturbation is a real struggle. I know there are people like me, and its for that reason I wanted to share my story. I know it is possible to stop. I do not mind this being shared with anybody, but I have decided to keep myself anonymous, because many people know me.

Pray with me. Please abstain and be clean! You can decide to stop that addiction-follow my example.



2011 inspiration
" And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." Daniel 2:44

2010 inspiration
 "What you desire oh lord is honesty, so you can teach me to be wise in my inmost being"Isaiah 51:6

2009 inspiration

"When i behold the heavens, the work of your hands and all that thou hast created; what is man, that thou is mindful of him? and the son of man that thou hast remembered him?"
"But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

2008 inspiration
"Do not let sin control the way you live, do not give in to its lustful desires. Do not let any part of your body be used as a tool for sinning..." Rom 6:12-13


"Eyes see the horizon touch earth, the big mind sees the horizon diverge from earth." Kankaka Edward Nelson

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game" The Cinderella movie

"Give equal thought to the idea of things working out, instead of the fear of things failing."

" Since i am me and no other, i will be the best me" Kankaka Edward Nelson

"The problems, pains, uncertainties and challenges of life should drive us to a desire for eternity in paradise" Kankaka Edward Nelson

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" The American Dream

"We shall overcome, because the arc of moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice"," Martin Luther King, Jr

"Truth, crushed to the earth, will rise again" William Cullen Bryant

"In the completeness of life, man has 3 duties; the duty to self, duty to humanity and the duty to the divine," Kankaka Edward Nelson

"There are 2 kinds of atheists, those who conclude by mouth that there is no God, and those who live as if there is no God," Martin Luther King, Jr

"You can have a high blood pressure of creed, yet have an anemia of deeds"

"You made us for yourself O God, and our hearts are restless untill they rest in you" St Augustine

"I do not know what the future holds, but i know who holds the future"

"Morality is not decided by group consensus, but is firmly established in the laws of nature, such that any deviation from it must arise alarm and a dire need to restore to the normal," Kankaka Edward Nelson

"Let no man pull you so low as to hate him, "Martin Luther King, Jr

"Love is the most durable power in the world"